Remember ABC's Wide World of Sports, a program that was the staple of Saturday afternoon television for 37 years and whose tag line was "The thrill of victory. . .and the agony of defeat?" It went off the air in 1998 but don't fret. On deck is Wine World of Sorts, a blog that promises to add new meaning to the word "unconventional."

Like the former—which was a catch-all for everything from boxing, gymnastics and figure skating to hurling, curling and jai-alai (there may have been frog jumping competitions as well), this blog will be jumping in all directions, too, but hopefully in ways that will make the world of wine more interesting—and fun.  

The Dead Arm
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

The Dead Arm

Just back from the doctor's with bad news: my right shoulder is a mess. My days of ever pitching a baseball again are probably over. …

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Rebel Empress
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

Rebel Empress

Remember Rebel Without a Cause, that 1955 film starring James Dean? This isn't about him. It's about a rebel with many causes. …

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A Great Discovery
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

A Great Discovery

This is for all of you -- like me -- who have agonized over how to eliminate wine stains from glasses and carafes. …

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How I Survived Afghanistan
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

How I Survived Afghanistan

For many years, I worked as television news correspondent, first with CBS and later ABC, blasting off to wherever stuff was happening. …

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A Glass Act
PT Kladstrup PT Kladstrup

A Glass Act

After the "big splash" when bottles of champagne crashed out of his refrigerator, Georg Riedel was ready to try again to prove to me - and readers of The Wine Spectator - that the right glass can make drinking a better experience. …

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Riedel's Big Splash
PT Kladstrup PT Kladstrup

Riedel's Big Splash

It was a postcard-perfect winter evening. Huge, heavy flakes of snow were falling as though being directed by an artist. …

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Gertrude, Part II
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

Gertrude, Part II

Gertrude was 86 when she died. Six years had passed since that memorable dinner when we celebrated her 80th birthday with a bottle of 1905 Château Latour. …

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Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup


It had been a pleasant evening. We were still at the dinner table - me, Petie and our good friend Gertrude. …

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Worth Getting Wet For
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

Worth Getting Wet For

We'd gone to Normandy to attend a ceremony honoring a friend. Afterwards, with time on our hands before our train back to Paris, …

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Digging for Treasure
Don Kladstrup Don Kladstrup

Digging for Treasure

It's surprising the stories you run into. Sometimes they're better than those in the book. …

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