A Great Discovery

This is for all of you – like me – who have agonized over how to eliminate wine stains from glasses and carafes.

I'd tried everything: soap and water, various detergents, egg shells, hard brushes, you name it. Nothing worked. Over time, my carafes and wine glasses had grown cloudier and darker.

That's when my wife Petie piped up with what I thought was a ridiculous idea. "Why don't you try Polident," she said. "If it works on false teeth, why not glasses? You can get it at the pharmacy." The idea of trotting down to our pharmacist for something designed to clean false teeth was a bit embarrassing, but I went anyway.

"It's not for me," I told him, "it's for my wine glasses." The pharmacist looked puzzled. "Really? For wine glasses?" I could see him staring at my mouth.

"My wife thinks it does," I replied. He looked at me sideways, but gave me a box of tablets. I got out of there as fast as I could.

On the front of the box were the words, "Cleans and refreshes, eliminates plaque, stains and discoloration." Still skeptical, I opened the box and followed the instructions, mixing a couple of tablets in a cup of water and pouring the bluish liquid into several stained wine glasses and a carafe. I then left everything for a few hours.

When I returned, lo and behold the glasses and carafe were clear as crystal. The stains which had been building up for years were gone. So three cheers for Polident! If I ever have false teeth, maybe I'll give it a try.   


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